About the Journal
DIE ERDE is a publication of the Geographical Society of Berlin
DIE ERDE is listed in Web of Science (WoS; Clarivate Analytics), Scopus (Elsevier) and Google Scholar:
Impact Factor 2022 (WoS) 1.55, 5-yr IF 2022 (WoS) 1.05, CiteScore 2022 (Scopus) 2.7, SNIP 2022 (Scopus) 0.427, SJR 2022: 0.362, h5-index 2022 (Google Scholar) 27
DIE ERDE is a scientific journal in Geography, with four issues per year with about 60 to 80 pages each. It covers all aspects of geographical research, focusing on both earth system studies and regional contributions.
DIE ERDE invites contributions from any subfield of both Physical and Human Geography as well as from neighbouring disciplines.
We invite authors to contribute to the following article categories:
- Research article
- Short communication
- Review article
- Opinion article (all peer-reviewed)
and: Book review (not peer-reviewed) - See also: Focus and Scope
ISSN 0013-9998
Books for possible review in Die ERDE should be sent to DIE ERDE Editorial Office
Image: Left – Alexander von Humboldt, Naturgemälde der Anden, Thübingen/Paris 1807; Right – Manual cashew nut processing in India (Photo: Jannes Tessmann)
Current Issue
Research articles
Short communications
DIE ERDE is a scientific journal in Geography, with four issues per year with about 60 to 80 pages each. It covers all aspects of geographical research, focusing on both earth system studies and regional contributions. DIE ERDE invites contributions from any subfield of both Physical and Human Geography as well as from neighbouring disciplines. The publishing language is English.